As usual I woke up early in the morning at 3:00 am and began studying. Yes, you all heard right and it's true as I scheduled my daily routine in that way.
Before you all wonder who I am? Let me introduce myself in short.
My name is Anuj Sastry, youngest son of my lovely parents, Mr & Mrs. Maniraj & Madhu Sastry. My father is a renowned lawyer in India. My mother is a principal of ABC school.
I have a beautiful older sister too. Her name is Hasna. Like her name, she always laughs. Even though, there is no joke, she smiles. My sister is so funny, yet she is a lazy naive silent girl but smart not more than me.
At present, I am studying 10th grade in ABC school. I daily woke up at 3:00 am in the early morning to study. Because like always I don't want to give up my "Always topper" title to anyone.
After a few hours....
"Anuj!! Have some milk" My mom came in by holding a glass of milk in her hand. I took it from her and glanced at the clock, it's 7 am.
It's already 7 am. I wonder, Does my lazy sister had woke up or not? Because, today she has to do so much packing as today she is leaving to the hostel and was going to stay in hostel for the first time. She got seat in computer science in in a top most reputed university in Chennai.
"Mom, Did my sis wake up" I queried my mother who was staring at me lovingly.
"No, Anuj. Go and wake her up. There is so much packing to do as she is going to the hostel" she commented while caressing my hair adoringly.
"Okay" I said with an evil smile playing on my lips as a wicked thought crossed my brain.
I walked to our shoe rac and searched for the rotten socks. Finally I found it and take out that old atrocious socks and went to her room.
I glanced at her...she is sleeping like a princess on her queen sized bed.. surely my sister is a princess of this entire sastry mansion & for our family.Her entire world revolves around books and family. Mainly she has a smiling face. That smile which never fades from her face. That smile which gives a serene to everyone's hearts in our family except for me because it irritates me alot...some times i think she is crazy.
I looked at my sister who is sleeping like a kumbakarn....haha...i like to annoy her a lot..
I quickly walked near her to the bed and take out the unbearable smelled socks, placed closed to her nose and let her whiff it....after 2 seconds I saw her body movements and she was about to get up but i didn't let it and droped the socks onto her nose...
"chii....yaak..." she unconsciously took the socks which i dropped on her face and throwed it away....and a disgusted look appeared on her ever so smiling face.
I laughed out loud at her and soon she realized what just happen and frowned at me.
Hasana pov:
I was sleeping peacefully but suddenly the pure good smell which I was breathing is changed into an awful smell and added to that i felt something was fell on my nose which smelled yaak...i instantly opened my eyes and unconsciously took it off from my nose with my hands and throwed it. I was about to sleep but stopped instantly when i saw a male figure laughing at me...
And that is none other than my lil brother...that pig he irritates me alot...huff...and then realisation sank in me that what just happened...and i yelled at him.
By hearing my shouting he started running while laughing out like a manic..
That idiot...i won't leave him today with that i got up and began to ran at his back..
" egghead why did you do that in the early moron by doing that you spoiled my day" i yelled while running at his back all over the sastry mansion.
"choco..Anuj...stop it both of you" mom shouted from the kitchen.
"mom...ask your stupid son what he did just now to me" i shouted back while running behind him.
"Mom i just like a good son for you i woke up my elder sister" he answered back to my shouting to mom.
" know what he used to woke me up...he used a rottennnnn smelled socks to woke me up...that too in the early morning."i said annoyingly.
My dad choked while he is drinking coffee when he heard my words.
"what!!" my dad exclaimed.
" can you do such pranks on my lovely daughter" dad said faking anger.
"'s revenge for eating my cookies on feb 3rd" he said defending himself.
"Anuj...i didn't ate the whole packet i only ate one cookie from it" i said running back at him.
Mean while Akshith anna came down nd sat on the couch and started enjoying our tom & jerry show by looking at Anuj & me with a wicked the same time with my 5 feet legs I catched the hem of my lil brother shirt with difficulty while he was trying to escape from my grip but I hold him tightly while he was groaning and i started beating him..
"what you egghead...i will beat you till your bones will broke" i said while beating but that idiot and my anna was laughing at me..
"sis...even though if you use all your strength to hit me also it won't give pain to me because of my gym body"he said with a smirk.
Yes he is right...why to waste my strength on him in the i left him with a pissed off face nd sat on the couch beside anna while yelling at him...
I never loose my calmness easily but my brother is one heck of an irritating one who always get on my nerves.
Hmph...and that egg head is laughing at me.
"choco...stop bickering with your lil brother and go & fresh up....have you forgotten that today you are leaving home & going to stay in hostel nd still now you didn't even pack your luggage" mom commented from kitchen.
"oh shit! " i said loudly nd quickly ran to my room to get fresh up.
While my lil brother is smirking at me...
"Pig" i said before running to my room.
I got fresh up and wear a crop top & a capri and tied my hair in messy bun and headed to downstairs.
I sprinted to downstairs and saw my anni( elder brother's wife) arranging dishes on the table while periappa & dad were talking about something. As soon as periappa saw me he gestured me to come near him. I smiled at him and went towards him and sat beside him.
"choco...have you didn't sleep well" he asked with a warm smile.
"no...i had a good sleep" i said with a sweet smile.
"That we can see from your dark circles" dad said.
"you two can talk with her later..for now come and have your breakfast" mom commented while walking to us to pick the coffee cups which dad & periappa drank nd left to kitchen.
We nodded our heads and went to dining table. Dad & periappa settled in their places while i greeted my anni..
"good morning anni" i greeted.
"good morning choco." she greeted back while arranging dishes.
"where is my anna? Where did you hide your husband from me anni?" i commented raising my eyebrows.
She chuckled at me and pretending like she is searching in her pockets.
Hehe...i laughed at her.
"i thought to shove him in my pockets but he didn't fit it there as you know he is so muscular" she said jokingly.
I smiled at her shooking my head thinking that my Akshith anna is so lucky to have her. They both fell in love with each other in their college days. After settling in their careers they got green signal from parents to got married. And finally they both got married one year back. Now they can't even take their hand's from each other.
By looking at their relation i too wish to have a prince who loves me more than himself. But i realized that all this prince charming and all was not for an average looking girl like me. By looking at my complexion & chubbyness none will love me and i know that i shouldn't let that thought in me because at last i will be sad.
"hey...where did you lost" Anni said making me come back from my trance.
I shook my head..
"good morning choco" my anna wished me while coming downstairs by walking in his three piece suit in all his glory.
"good morning anna" i greeted him back while he came to me nd side hugging me.
"just now she is asking about you akshith" anni commented.
Anna glanced at me and kissed my temple and said...
" you really wanted to study in that college nd wanted to stay in hostel" he asked me for the 100th time with concern.
By hearing his words all heads turn into my direction. By looking at their faces none is ready to send me to that college. Why would they when their princess never stayed away from them. It's my first time to stay in hostel nd they all know that i am not good at making friends nd all because i am an introvert girl and i never share anything with anyone which i feels other than to my anni she is my akshith anna wife. I share everthing with her except about my insecurites.
Anyway, I worked hard for my Engineering entrance exam nd i got 25th rank nd i even got seat in my dream college that too in my favourite branch computer science in chennai. But as our home is a little far from the college as it takes five hours to reach college from home so my parents doesn't have a heart to send me far nd join in me in hostel. I know it's not that far but for them it's far. I took a lot of efforts to pursude them mainly my periappa & periamma. As they both are doctors they are concern about my health as i am very picky towards food and as you all know the food in hostel are not that tasty. They are so reclutant to send me but due to my lot of pleadings & beggings. They all finally agreed to send me but in one condition. That is they wanted to come along with me to the college to drop me.
Actually my family consists of 7 members excluding me. They are dad, mom, anuj, periappa, periamma, akshith anna & Ria anni.Just imagine..2-3 members are fine to come along with me to join me in hostel but my whole whole family decided to come with me to make me join me in dorm.
What will the warden and the students like me think about me..
So i said no nd they too said no to join me. Huff...with lot of struggles...i eliminated my Anna, Anni and Anuj.
Finally only 4 members are coming with me that is periappa, periamma & dad& mom.
Acutually today is the first day of my college but due to my periappa & periammi i skipped this day as my family is an religious family so they said that today evening is the aspicious time to enter into the college so they said that we will leave at noon to your college so that we can reach at the right time.
I came out of my thoughts by hearing my periappa words..
"choco.." my periappa called me breaking my chain of thoughts.
"ha..periappa" i said.
"your anna had asked you something" he said.
I glanced at my anna who was eagerly waiting for my answer.
" you all know it's my dream to study in that college nd i don't have any second thoughts about it" i stated.
"ok" they all pouted.
I smiled at them and walked to the dining table where periappa , dad nd anuj were seated. When did my lil bro came..
Mind: When you lost in your thoughts...
My mind taunted me...
I too seated in my place along with Anna & anni who setteled in their places.
We all started having our breakfast while chitchatting...I glanced at my dad & periappa...they both has a proud smile on their faces while looking at me...i smiled at him..
"Anuj...look at your sister & brother.. learn from them..your brother is one of top most billionaire in the world and your sister got 25th rank in IIT and got seat in the top college" my periappa said proudly.
"haa...anuj learn something from them" i dad added.
"dad...just wait for two years then you will heard..
"Anuj All india 1st rank in NEET"
Everywhere in india where ever you go you will see banners & flexies of Mr. Anuj sastry everywhere..
We all giggled at my narcissistic brother...
" can think about NEET later but now try to reach choco's 10th standard score" Akshith anna said sarcastically and i giggled at egghead who was twisting his lips.
"Just wait and watch anna...i will beat her 10 points..." he stopped and realised what he is saying...and i chuckled at him.
" can't beat her 10 points because she got 10 out of 10 " Akshith anna added with a sly smile.
"mom..look this four...they are bullying me" he complained to my mother.
We laughed at him...soon my mom came..
"Anuj...i heard everything from kitchen" mom said while settling in her seat to have breakfast.
"i know you won't support me only my periamma will defend me" he said and shouted..
"god...anuj...stop it i am not deaf" periamma said while coming from kitchen too.
"look at them they are bullying me" he complained.
"oh my poor little poo...i will teach them a lesson first you have your breakfast" periamma defended him while joined us in having breakfast.
My lil brother stuck out his tongue at us and we smiled at him by shooking our heads.
After having our breakfast...
"choco...come...we have to pack your lugguge" periamma said.
"ok" i said and we went to our room.
After two hours...
My packing was completed...mostly they packed my lugguge as they didn't let me to do it saying that...choco..let us do it as you will forgot important don't poke your hands in it.
After packing all my stuff nd all we all had our lunch I went to my room, took a shower, wore a black off shoulder top along with white jeans and applied a little amout of face cream to my whitish skin tone complexion and also applied a lipgloss to my lips and added a bindi in middle of my eyebrows. I tied my waist lenght black shiny silky hair in a high pony tail.
One more time i last glanced at myself in the mirror...
Today is the day i am leaving my home and going to stay in hostel for my studies for the first time.
As i was busy in pondering...
A buzz sound brought me out of my thoughts and glanced at my mobile which is safely placed on my study table. I picked it up and opened it. As soon as i saw the message...
I grinned like a manic.....A pleasent sense of happiness crept in me....
Yes!! Yes!! Finally i made it!!
I know you people are wondering about why i am so happy....what is the reason of my smile i will tell you...
From my childhood during my summer holidays i used to get bored so due to my boredom & for fun i used to join in some summer classes like in one summer holdays i used to join in painting...nd in next year summer holidays i used to join in dancing, music...etc.
So as two years back after completion of my 10th standard i got bored during summer holidays. So at that time i thought to join in some computer courses nd came across the institute named...
Dreamer's world e-computer training institute...
I heard from my teachers that this institute is a good platform for learning computer courses. So the next day i asked my dad to join me in that institute nd he took me there and enrolled me in that instutite but my dad wanted to talk to the head about what type of courses they will provide and all.
The head is looking like the same age of my anna. He greeted us with a warm smile and told us about what type og courses they will teach and all..
Head: sir, we will teach from the basics in step by step process from, c langugage....etc. After every course we will conduct an exam and provide the certuficate for it. But to learn further advanced software courses she should have to score 90% in every basic course which she learned then only she will be elgible for advanced training which is given by Mr. Elli. He is a computerscience prodigy. A very skillfull and talanted guy just completed his intermediate nd don't underestimate him as an young boy. He was running a softerware company from last one year which is a very successful one in our country. And the training will be online.
After hearing the name lips curved into a smile i don't know why. Anyway after that i used to heard his name very often from everone about how talented he is. Slowly i started to admire him and used to browse about him but i didn't find anything about him but whenever i search for that Elli the only name that would poped up infront of my eyes is..
Daksh elli sharma...
Humph...i got irritated by it.i don't even find his photos to know how that elli looks like...neither how that daksh elli sharma looks like. But one thing i got to know that they both have similar names.
However i slowly devolped a liking towards the computer science subject.
Anyway i struggled so hard in my basic courses training only to get into advance software traning so that i can get a chance to trained under the talanted Elli guy..
I know you people may laugh at me but that much i admire him. He is a very talented person. I daily used to prayed to god to give me the same IQ to me as Elli has but god didn't heard my prayers....
And, Last month my basic level training is completed so today they sent a message that wether i am elligible or not to the advanced software courses. And you guys know what....i got selected....and i am gonna be trained under Elli...
I grinned at that thought...and hung my sling bag over my shoulder while slipping into my sandles and sprinted to downstairs.
Dad, mom, periappa, periamma are all ready. Anna, Ria anni were looking sad while my lil brother aka my egghead was grinning like a fool.
"let's go" i said while the smile on my face was never fading.
They nodded their head while i bid bye to my anna & anni nd ruffled my lil brother hair only with an intention to spoil his hairstyle so that his grin on his face will vanish nd will be replaced by a frown.
And it really did...his grin changed into a frown while i laughed loudly.
"it's my revenge for what you did in the morning to me" i said before he started to shout and settled in the car with the same grin plastered on my face which is never leaving my lips and dad started our drive to my college.
"Mom, Did my sis wake up" I queried my mother who was staring at me lovingly.
"No, Anuj. Go and wake her up. There is so much packing to do as she is going to the hostel" she commented while caressing my hair adoringly.
"Okay" I said with an evil smile playing on my lips as a wicked thought crossed my brain.
I walked to our shoe rac and searched for the rotten socks. Finally I found it and take out that old atrocious socks and went to her room.
I glanced at her...she is sleeping like a princess on her queen sized bed.. surely my sister is a princess of this entire sastry mansion & for our family.Her entire world revolves around books and family. Mainly she has a smiling face. That smile which never fades from her face. That smile which gives a serene to everyone's hearts in our family except for me because it irritates me alot...some times i think she is crazy.
I looked at my sister who is sleeping like a kumbakarn....haha...i like to annoy her a lot..
I quickly walked near her to the bed and take out the unbearable smelled socks, placed closed to her nose and let her whiff it....after 2 seconds I saw her body movements and she was about to get up but i didn't let it and droped the socks onto her nose...
"chii....yaak..." she unconsciously took the socks which i dropped on her face and throwed it away....and a disgusted look appeared on her ever so smiling face.
I laughed out loud at her and soon she realized what just happen and frowned at me.
Hasana pov:
I was sleeping peacefully but suddenly the pure good smell which I was breathing is changed into an awful smell and added to that i felt something was fell on my nose which smelled yaak...i instantly opened my eyes and unconsciously took it off from my nose with my hands and throwed it. I was about to sleep but stopped instantly when i saw a male figure laughing at me...
And that is none other than my lil brother...that pig he irritates me alot...huff...and then realisation sank in me that what just happened...and i yelled at him.
By hearing my shouting he started running while laughing out like a manic..
That idiot...i won't leave him today with that i got up and began to ran at his back..
" egghead why did you do that in the early moron by doing that you spoiled my day" i yelled while running at his back all over the sastry mansion.
"choco..Anuj...stop it both of you" mom shouted from the kitchen.
"mom...ask your stupid son what he did just now to me" i shouted back while running behind him.
"Mom i just like a good son for you i woke up my elder sister" he answered back to my shouting to mom.
" know what he used to woke me up...he used a rottennnnn smelled socks to woke me up...that too in the early morning."i said annoyingly.
My dad choked while he is drinking coffee when he heard my words.
"what!!" my dad exclaimed.
" can you do such pranks on my lovely daughter" dad said faking anger.
"'s revenge for eating my cookies on feb 3rd" he said defending himself.
"Anuj...i didn't ate the whole packet i only ate one cookie from it" i said running back at him.
Mean while Akshith anna came down nd sat on the couch and started enjoying our tom & jerry show by looking at Anuj & me with a wicked the same time with my 5 feet legs I catched the hem of my lil brother shirt with difficulty while he was trying to escape from my grip but I hold him tightly while he was groaning and i started beating him..
"what you egghead...i will beat you till your bones will broke" i said while beating but that idiot and my anna was laughing at me..
"sis...even though if you use all your strength to hit me also it won't give pain to me because of my gym body"he said with a smirk.
Yes he is right...why to waste my strength on him in the i left him with a pissed off face nd sat on the couch beside anna while yelling at him...
I never loose my calmness easily but my brother is one heck of an irritating one who always get on my nerves.
Hmph...and that egg head is laughing at me.
"choco...stop bickering with your lil brother and go & fresh up....have you forgotten that today you are leaving home & going to stay in hostel nd still now you didn't even pack your luggage" mom commented from kitchen.
"oh shit! " i said loudly nd quickly ran to my room to get fresh up.
While my lil brother is smirking at me...
"Pig" i said before running to my room.
I got fresh up and wear a crop top & a capri and tied my hair in messy bun and headed to downstairs.
I sprinted to downstairs and saw my anni( elder brother's wife) arranging dishes on the table while periappa & dad were talking about something. As soon as periappa saw me he gestured me to come near him. I smiled at him and went towards him and sat beside him.
"choco...have you didn't sleep well" he asked with a warm smile.
"no...i had a good sleep" i said with a sweet smile.
"That we can see from your dark circles" dad said.
"you two can talk with her later..for now come and have your breakfast" mom commented while walking to us to pick the coffee cups which dad & periappa drank nd left to kitchen.
We nodded our heads and went to dining table. Dad & periappa settled in their places while i greeted my anni..
"good morning anni" i greeted.
"good morning choco." she greeted back while arranging dishes.
"where is my anna? Where did you hide your husband from me anni?" i commented raising my eyebrows.
She chuckled at me and pretending like she is searching in her pockets.
Hehe...i laughed at her.
"i thought to shove him in my pockets but he didn't fit it there as you know he is so muscular" she said jokingly.
I smiled at her shooking my head thinking that my Akshith anna is so lucky to have her. They both fell in love with each other in their college days. After settling in their careers they got green signal from parents to got married. And finally they both got married one year back. Now they can't even take their hand's from each other.
By looking at their relation i too wish to have a prince who loves me more than himself. But i realized that all this prince charming and all was not for an average looking girl like me. By looking at my complexion & chubbyness none will love me and i know that i shouldn't let that thought in me because at last i will be sad.
"hey...where did you lost" Anni said making me come back from my trance.
I shook my head..
"good morning choco" my anna wished me while coming downstairs by walking in his three piece suit in all his glory.
"good morning anna" i greeted him back while he came to me nd side hugging me.
"just now she is asking about you akshith" anni commented.
Anna glanced at me and kissed my temple and said...
" you really wanted to study in that college nd wanted to stay in hostel" he asked me for the 100th time with concern.
By hearing his words all heads turn into my direction. By looking at their faces none is ready to send me to that college. Why would they when their princess never stayed away from them. It's my first time to stay in hostel nd they all know that i am not good at making friends nd all because i am an introvert girl and i never share anything with anyone which i feels other than to my anni she is my akshith anna wife. I share everthing with her except about my insecurites.
Anyway, I worked hard for my Engineering entrance exam nd i got 25th rank nd i even got seat in my dream college that too in my favourite branch computer science in chennai. But as our home is a little far from the college as it takes five hours to reach college from home so my parents doesn't have a heart to send me far nd join in me in hostel. I know it's not that far but for them it's far. I took a lot of efforts to pursude them mainly my periappa & periamma. As they both are doctors they are concern about my health as i am very picky towards food and as you all know the food in hostel are not that tasty. They are so reclutant to send me but due to my lot of pleadings & beggings. They all finally agreed to send me but in one condition. That is they wanted to come along with me to the college to drop me.
Actually my family consists of 7 members excluding me. They are dad, mom, anuj, periappa, periamma, akshith anna & Ria anni.Just imagine..2-3 members are fine to come along with me to join me in hostel but my whole whole family decided to come with me to make me join me in dorm.
What will the warden and the students like me think about me..
So i said no nd they too said no to join me. Huff...with lot of struggles...i eliminated my Anna, Anni and Anuj.
Finally only 4 members are coming with me that is periappa, periamma & dad& mom.
Acutually today is the first day of my college but due to my periappa & periammi i skipped this day as my family is an religious family so they said that today evening is the aspicious time to enter into the college so they said that we will leave at noon to your college so that we can reach at the right time.
I came out of my thoughts by hearing my periappa words..
"choco.." my periappa called me breaking my chain of thoughts.
"ha..periappa" i said.
"your anna had asked you something" he said.
I glanced at my anna who was eagerly waiting for my answer.
" you all know it's my dream to study in that college nd i don't have any second thoughts about it" i stated.
"ok" they all pouted.
I smiled at them and walked to the dining table where periappa , dad nd anuj were seated. When did my lil bro came..
Mind: When you lost in your thoughts...
My mind taunted me...
I too seated in my place along with Anna & anni who setteled in their places.
We all started having our breakfast while chitchatting...I glanced at my dad & periappa...they both has a proud smile on their faces while looking at me...i smiled at him..
"Anuj...look at your sister & brother.. learn from them..your brother is one of top most billionaire in the world and your sister got 25th rank in IIT and got seat in the top college" my periappa said proudly.
"haa...anuj learn something from them" i dad added.
"dad...just wait for two years then you will heard..
"Anuj All india 1st rank in NEET"
Everywhere in india where ever you go you will see banners & flexies of Mr. Anuj sastry everywhere..
We all giggled at my narcissistic brother...
" can think about NEET later but now try to reach choco's 10th standard score" Akshith anna said sarcastically and i giggled at egghead who was twisting his lips.
"Just wait and watch anna...i will beat her 10 points..." he stopped and realised what he is saying...and i chuckled at him.
" can't beat her 10 points because she got 10 out of 10 " Akshith anna added with a sly smile.
"mom..look this four...they are bullying me" he complained to my mother.
We laughed at him...soon my mom came..
"Anuj...i heard everything from kitchen" mom said while settling in her seat to have breakfast.
"i know you won't support me only my periamma will defend me" he said and shouted..
"god...anuj...stop it i am not deaf" periamma said while coming from kitchen too.
"look at them they are bullying me" he complained.
"oh my poor little poo...i will teach them a lesson first you have your breakfast" periamma defended him while joined us in having breakfast.
My lil brother stuck out his tongue at us and we smiled at him by shooking our heads.
After having our breakfast...
"choco...come...we have to pack your lugguge" periamma said.
"ok" i said and we went to our room.
After two hours...
My packing was completed...mostly they packed my lugguge as they didn't let me to do it saying that...choco..let us do it as you will forgot important don't poke your hands in it.
After packing all my stuff nd all we all had our lunch I went to my room, took a shower, wore a black off shoulder top along with white jeans and applied a little amout of face cream to my whitish skin tone complexion and also applied a lipgloss to my lips and added a bindi in middle of my eyebrows. I tied my waist lenght black shiny silky hair in a high pony tail.
One more time i last glanced at myself in the mirror...
Today is the day i am leaving my home and going to stay in hostel for my studies for the first time.
As i was busy in pondering...
A buzz sound brought me out of my thoughts and glanced at my mobile which is safely placed on my study table. I picked it up and opened it. As soon as i saw the message...
I grinned like a manic.....A pleasent sense of happiness crept in me....
Yes!! Yes!! Finally i made it!!
I know you people are wondering about why i am so happy....what is the reason of my smile i will tell you...
From my childhood during my summer holidays i used to get bored so due to my boredom & for fun i used to join in some summer classes like in one summer holdays i used to join in painting...nd in next year summer holidays i used to join in dancing, music...etc.
So as two years back after completion of my 10th standard i got bored during summer holidays. So at that time i thought to join in some computer courses nd came across the institute named...
Dreamer's world e-computer training institute...
I heard from my teachers that this institute is a good platform for learning computer courses. So the next day i asked my dad to join me in that institute nd he took me there and enrolled me in that instutite but my dad wanted to talk to the head about what type of courses they will provide and all.
The head is looking like the same age of my anna. He greeted us with a warm smile and told us about what type og courses they will teach and all..
Head: sir, we will teach from the basics in step by step process from, c langugage....etc. After every course we will conduct an exam and provide the certuficate for it. But to learn further advanced software courses she should have to score 90% in every basic course which she learned then only she will be elgible for advanced training which is given by Mr. Elli. He is a computerscience prodigy. A very skillfull and talanted guy just completed his intermediate nd don't underestimate him as an young boy. He was running a softerware company from last one year which is a very successful one in our country. And the training will be online.
After hearing the name lips curved into a smile i don't know why. Anyway after that i used to heard his name very often from everone about how talented he is. Slowly i started to admire him and used to browse about him but i didn't find anything about him but whenever i search for that Elli the only name that would poped up infront of my eyes is..
Daksh elli sharma...
Humph...i got irritated by it.i don't even find his photos to know how that elli looks like...neither how that daksh elli sharma looks like. But one thing i got to know that they both have similar names.
However i slowly devolped a liking towards the computer science subject.
Anyway i struggled so hard in my basic courses training only to get into advance software traning so that i can get a chance to trained under the talanted Elli guy..
I know you people may laugh at me but that much i admire him. He is a very talented person. I daily used to prayed to god to give me the same IQ to me as Elli has but god didn't heard my prayers....
And, Last month my basic level training is completed so today they sent a message that wether i am elligible or not to the advanced software courses. And you guys know what....i got selected....and i am gonna be trained under Elli...
I grinned at that thought...and hung my sling bag over my shoulder while slipping into my sandles and sprinted to downstairs.
Dad, mom, periappa, periamma are all ready. Anna, Ria anni were looking sad while my lil brother aka my egghead was grinning like a fool.
"let's go" i said while the smile on my face was never fading.
They nodded their head while i bid bye to my anna & anni nd ruffled my lil brother hair only with an intention to spoil his hairstyle so that his grin on his face will vanish nd will be replaced by a frown.
And it really did...his grin changed into a frown while i laughed loudly.
"it's my revenge for what you did in the morning to me" i said before he started to shout and settled in the car with the same grin plastered on my face which is never leaving my lips and dad started our drive to my college.
Delightful Reading Experience
Experience stories by chandu sweety in a whole new light
Hii babe's,
I am not an earning person and still in job hunt. And, as you people knew that all we need a pocket money to survive. So, I hope you people support me by reading my books. and I promise you don't people feel disappointed.
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